If, like me, excess post offends you, both from an efficiency point of view,
and an environmental one, give these 5 things a go:
- Let’s start with the daddy: Sign up with the Mail Preference Service
(http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/mpsr/). This is a list set up by the UK’s
direct mailers ostensibly to avoid wasting cash delivering unsuitable direct
mail, though more likely it was done to avoid increased regulation from government.
Either way it’s legit, and should be your first point of call. While
you’re there check out the telephone preference service too.
- Return old inhabitant’s post. Print out a bunch of sheets of address
labels saying something like “Addressee no longer known at this address.
No forwarding information left. Return to sender” Slap them on
everything that has someone else’s name on it that comes through the
door, cross out your address and then pop them back into any postbox.
- Get a “No circulars” sign. This will stop the more scrupulous
of leafletters. Ebay or Google can sort you out with one of these for a few
- Opt out of the Royal Mail’s “Door to Door” service by
emailing optout@royalmail.com for a form. Rather stupidly this also opts you
out of official government information leaflets (not that I can recall the
last time I had one of those), but if you just watch the news occasionally
I’m sure you’ll survive.
- Unsubscribe from BT phonebook (0800 833 400 > option 1 > option 1),
Yellow Pages, Thompson Local and any other fat directories you get dropped
on your doorstep annually. Online is invariably a better way to search for
this stuff and you won’t have to clutter up a drawer with these massive
tomes either.
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