

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hate spam? Me too. Here's my tips on how to get less

  1. Buy your own domain name so you can have as many aliases (the bit before the @) as you like, then only give your chosen alias out to friends and family. For companies *always* give them an alias that uses their domain name - for example amazon.co.uk@yourdomain.com. If you get spam you'll a) know who let your details out and b) be able to block them easily.
  2. Redirect all the common aliases for *all* domain names you own to a dummy address, I use nospam@easily.co.uk. These aliases might include: sales, info, webmaster, accounts, accounting, enquiries, office, administrator, billing, admin and contact.
  3. Use an email service with a spam filter. Google Mail has a good one, and it's free.
  4. If you want to put your address online then obfuscate it so spam bots are less likely to pick it up. For example: alias[at}yourdomain(dot]com
  5. If you're posting it on your own site you can use javascript to tidy it up and make it a link. Put this in a script tag in the head of your page:
    window.onload = function(){
    if (document.getElementById){
    //You can obfuscate this as much as you like
    var where = "@"
    var mail = "alias" + where + "yourdomain." + "com";
    //then put it into the page
    '<a href="mailto:'+mail+'">'+mail+'</a>';

    And this in the body of your page:

    <p id="email">
    alias (at] yourdomain {dot) com
    <p id="emailExplanation">
    (Excuse the odd formatting of that email
    address - it's to try and throw spambots
    off the scent.)

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