Places to attach an iPod shuffle
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
If you buy decent headphones they should come with a break half way down the cable. This means if you have a tiny mp3 player, and you can attach it within 50 cm of your ears, you can get away with half the cabling.
Here's a few places I've clipped my shuffle in order to manage this:
- On a necklace under a T-shirt
- Inside a rolled-up sleeve
- In a top or inner pocket
- On my collar (NB: This made me look like an idiot, but that was fine as I was cycling)
- On the headphones themselves, if you have big over-ear ones (NB: This also makes me look like an idiot - irrespective of circumstance, but it really works.)

“You shouldn't wear headphones while cycling - very dangerous...”
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Anonymous @ Thursday, 09 October, 2008
“Reasonable point. I do at least only put one headphone in, and that's always the left one so I can still hear cars overtaking.”
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mathampson @ Thursday, 09 October, 2008
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