Automagic status updates
Monday, June 01, 2009
I use lots of apps that allow me to put little status updates in them – Facebook, Twitter, IM clients and even Dinqi, my own lifetracking app. I like this idea of letting people know what I'm up to, and starting conversations with them, however I don't want to spend my life updating my status on myriad different applications. What to do?
Enter RSS, Twitterfeed and
The diagram below shows how I post to a few primary sources and use a few apps to spread the love, as well as how I get notified when someone replies:

A few notes:
- If I want to post random stuff in directly I start at Ping
- I still visit Twitter and Facebook when I have a quiet moment and want to browse what folk are chatting about.
- Work and play aren't absolute – if it's not a secret then the Play route is fine for both.
- By MSN I mean MSN Messenger - there just wasn't room in the diagram.
- This isn't exactly how I have it now – Twitterfeed has only recently started supporting Ping and I haven't bothered to rejig stuff since, but I will.
- This is just how I do it. It probably won't suit you exactly as is, but is hopefully interesting anyway.

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